Home Tasting menu

Tasting menu

by fuocolento

Tasting menu

Benvenuto dello chef
Chef’s welcome

Ostrica Gillardeau
con aceto framboise allo scalogno e pane nero
Gillardeau Oyster
with shallot raspberry vinegar and black bread

Tartara di tonno con stracciatella di burrata e caviale
Tuna tartare with burrata stracciatella and caviar

Tataki di ricciola con salsa al bloody mary,
insalatina di sedano e peperone crusco
Amberjack tataki with bloody mary sauce,
celery and crunchy red pepper

Insalata di gamberi e asparagi con citronette al coriandolo
Shrimp and asparagus salad with coriander citronette

Calamaretti spillo fritti con zucchine e menta fresca
Fried calamari with courgettes and fresh mint

Ravioli di ricotta e limone non trattato
al ragù bianco di coccio ed erbe fini
Ravioli with ricotta and untreated lemon
with white crock ragù and fine herbs

Tonnarelli con capesante, cacio, pepe e lime
Tonnarelli with scallops, cheese, pepper and lime

Filetto di spigola allo zenzero con fagiolini
Sea bass fillet with ginger and green beans

Creme brulèe allo zenzero con cremoso alla nocciola
e croccante all’arancia
Ginger creme brulèe with hazelnut cream and orange crunch

€ 120 pp

The Fuocolento Roma restaurant’s tasting menu is intended to offer the customer a gastronomic experience based on tasting some of the restaurant’s dishes.
This type of menu consists of several fish dishes and can only be booked for the whole table, if the table is for 4, 4 tasting menus are served and calculated.
The wine recommended by our wine master and other drinks are calculated separately.

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