Home The fish

The fish

by fuocolento
The fish

Second courses of fish

Pescato del giorno per 2 persone min
( Al sale – Al forno con patate, olive e pomodorini )
Fish of the day for 2 people min
€ 10 l’etto
Filetto di spigola al cesanese con zucchine trifolate
Sea bass fillet in cesanese red wine with sautéed courgettes
€ 24
Calamaro in crosta di pane e mandorle
con insalatina di campo
Squid in a bread and almond crust
with field salad
€ 24
Bocconcini di cernia con taccole,
pomodorini, capperi e olive
Grouper morsels with snow peas,
cherry tomatoes, capers and olives
€ 26
Grigliata di crostacei
con astice, scampi, gamberi rossi e salse dello chef
Grilled shellfish
with lobster, scampi, red prawns and chef’s sauces
€ 38
Fritto di calamari e gamberi
Mixed fried calamari and prawns
€ 24
Tagliata di tonno
con caponata di melanzane in agrodolce
Tuna steak
with sweet and sour eggplant caponata
€ 26
Filetto di ricciola
con limone non trattato, capperi e timo
Amberjack fillet
with untreated lemon, capers and thyme
€ 26

Some hard-to-find products are blast chilled and stored by us-18’c

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